Cattle Grid

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This restaurant has closed down.

Cattle Grid is clear about why they are here. On the roof above the entranceway is a life size model of a cow, and once seated you are presented with a menu that is divided into two sections. One side is labelled cow, and the other is labelled pig. This straight shooting approach is definitely the way forward.

The decoration continues inside too. By the seating area you will find a huge picture of some happy cows grazing in a field. Meanwhile, excuse yourself and head up to the bathroom to see a big picture of a slaughter house.

The real power of Cattle Grid is in the ribs. Get the full rack of baby back; they are the best ribs you will find in Leeds. The rack is huge as well. They really need to buy bigger plates because they simply do not fit on, and then trying to take them apart to eat is a complex operation.

The steaks are commendable too. Not top tier amazing, but for the price they are an absolute bargain. From time to time they do specials as well. We went down to a Wagyu night in which you could enjoy the delights of whiskey fed Japanese cattle at nearly half the price you would normally expect to pay for it.

Reviewed by Leeds Restaurant Guide.


Waterloo House, Assembly St, Leeds LS2 7DE

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