
Restaurant photo

Located in the financial district, Elysium has plenty of space but an intimate atmosphere thanks to the closed plan design. A large candle stick sits in their even larger window, allowing plenty of natural light to pass through. The tables are sturdy and good quality, although the chairs and bookcases look and feel a little like Ikea ones.

The waiter is engaging and friendly, and we even have our food delivered by the head chef, so I am told. The bill did turn up in an American Express wallet despite them not accepting Amex though, which is one of my pet hates.

We went for a seafood pizza and a parma ham pizza, to mixed results. We both felt the bases were rather hard going, requiring a good sawing action to cut. I also felt the topping came away a little too easily, making it feel like a last minute addition rather than something that was an integral part of the pizza. Every time I finally managed to cut through the base, I had to scoop some of the topping back on.

The toppings were at least in healthy quantity though, especially Elina's seafood that formed a rather impressive mound. The mussels came shell and all, sitting across the base.

Reviewed by Leeds Restaurant Guide.


68A Wellington St, Leeds, LS1 2EE

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